«Creation and Evolution» - Free Essay Paper

Creation and Evolution

Darwinian evolution, also referred to as Darwinism theory, is a biological philosophy that was developed by Charles Darwin. The theory states that all species evolved through natural selection, from small inherited variations. The developed variations enable an organism to adapt in the increasingly competitive ecosystems. The variations enhanced a species ability to compete, survive, as well as reproduce in a new environment. The theory was developed from a notion that all species emerged from common ancestors. He presumed that complex creatures came from simplistic ancestors through transformation and evolution.

To argue his theory Darwin theorized that, at one point in time, no living thing existed. Out of the non-living state, came about the first life form. He argues that the first living creatures were single-celled organisms. Over a long time, the single celled organisms evolved through naturalistic stages form complex structured organisms. Darwin argued that single celled organisms mutated to form different species. His theory was based on the assumption that long ago, all living organisms had a common ancestor.

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The phrase natural selection was popularized by Darwin who used it to explain his evolution theory. Under natural selection, biological characteristics become more or less in a common population. This is because of differential reproduction by their bearers. To justify his evolution theory, Darwin referenced to survival for the fittest a factor of natural selection. According to him, only the organisms that are best adapted to the environment tend to survive. They pass on their strong genetic characteristics to their offspring.

There are four main lines of evidence that supports Darwin’s theory. First, organisms vary in characteristics from the small variations they inherited from their first generation. Secondly, organisms reproduce to so many offspring than can be possible to survive. The result is a fight for resources making the strong survive and the weak to perish. Thirdly, offspring with favorable traits in an ecosystem survive and reproduce successfully. This causes an increase in their numbers. Fourth, favorable variations tend to accumulate into populations. Such variations increase fitness and chances for the strong species to survive.

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There are questions that challenge the adequacy of Darwin’s theory. The first question focuses on the macroevolution side of evolution rather than the microevolution side. Why is there no proof that no natural limit can cause changes in variation in an organism? To date, Darwin has no empirical proof which confirms that no natural limit contributes to a genetic change. Secondly, why is there no recorded biological pathway which portrays transitions in organisms? Without viable evidence, Darwin’s macroevolution theory can be characterized as an unsubstantiated hypothesis.

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