«Self-Evaluation of the Revision» - Free Essay Paper

Self-Evaluation of the Revision

I read all the short stories I wrote and edited them in order to improve their content and language. This experience was very useful and I believe that such proofreading is vital for improving writing skills.

In the first story “A man who had an idea”, I corrected some mechanical errors that occurred in the text due to the lack of proofreading from my side. The mistakes included the confusion of singular and plural forms of demonstrative pronoun “this/those”, the absence of prepositions that are constituents of phrasal verbs or their incorrect usage, the usage of colon in a sentence, and capitalizing the first word in the reported clause. Apart from that, I misused the pronoun “its” and the contracted form of the verb “to be” in the third form “it’s”. Among the improvements I made was the usage of punctuation marks, in particular coma, which was missing before a single adversative conjunctions "and", "but", and in direct speech sentences used to separate the quoted words from the rest of the text. Besides, I changed the ending of the story so that it actually resembles a short story, not a beginning of a novel. All the above mentioned implied that I should have checked everything more thoroughly after finishing the story.

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In the story “Strength of Love”, I improved the structure of the text making it easier to comprehend. I also removed the minor errors in the text so that it is more harmonious. One of my main mistakes was failing to use personal pronouns instead of names. Having made the necessary changes, I realized it was beneficial for the story. Besides, I corrected the spelling of the word “curious”. At the end of the story, I replaced the reported speech by the direct speech to show the true feelings of the characters and to make my short story more dynamic. In addition to that, I edited the final sentence in order to omit wordiness.

I extended the third story “Beyond the Feelings” by adding a brief description of the first meeting of heroes since it plays a significant role in the plot development. I also made the end of the story more extended. In appropriate cases, I replaced the definite article with the indefinite according to the rules and corrected the prepositions used with phrasal verbs.

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I extended the fourth story about Julie by adding more details to the forest adventure of the girl. I made her searches of the Queen Rose longer and more difficult in order to show how deeply she was touched by the conflict between flowers and how eager she was to resolve it. The prolonged searches gave her more time to analyze her own behavior and draw the appropriate conclusions. Besides that, it made the story more credible. I mentioned the fact that the girl did not remember how she got home to make the readers guess whether it was a real event or just a dream. Furthermore, I extended the end of the story a little bit to show how much the main character has changed after her meeting with the Rose. Finally, I added an adjective to the title of the story to achieve a greater emotional and stylistic effect.

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In the fifth story “The Invented and the Supernatural”, I corrected the usage of prepositions in several cases. Apart from that, I added more details describing Mariana Trench for better understanding of the current conditions of the main hero and the location of the scene. Lastly, I explained the modern attempts of humankind to preserve the nature and recover natural resources of the planet.

Having completed this task, I realized how essential it is to reread the stories several times to reveal possible errors in the structure of the text, find, and correct lexical, grammatical, and stylistic errors.

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