«Business Process Management» - Free Essay Paper

Business Process Management

Business process management (BPM) is a method through which enterprises improve their performance, achievement and organizational objectives, by managing and controlling vital business processes. It includes documenting, designing, communicating, optimizing, evaluating and updating the existing business activities. BPM plays a crucial role in the improvement of business processes and results in the success of organizations. The newly developed technologies have been increasingly embedded in BPM, and it is expected to continue in the future. This paper describes the current state, objectives and future trends in BPM.

The Current State of BPM

Imagining a business/company as a machine, BPM is just a tool that is used to calibrate each of its parts to be in accord to attain the extent of its performance and class (Aitken, Stephenson, & Brinkworth, 2014). Within an organization, BPM keeps account of all important processes that are allied with the business aim and the scheme of reaching it to ensure that they are efficient and reliable through various types of analysis, evaluations, models and metrics for the best outcome of investments. Today, BPM enables organizations to operate more efficiently, effectively and precisely. The following are characteristics of the current BPM:

  • It is more than just software.
  • It deals with managerial issues.
  • It is an integral part of management.
  • It is more than just modeling.
  • It implements and executes business processes, which require an analysis (Weske, 2012).

The leadership and management of world’s top organizations have recognized that there is no end for improving business processes. Every company develops and implements some common business strategies in order to meet its objectives. However, these processes may be slowed down due to the lack of efficiency and manpower or poor management. BPM software assists an organization to putting all of these processes under inspection using different models and metrics. Moreover, it also analyses inspection results in order to provide findings about required improvements, which will offer the company better production solutions. At present, most of the time, BPM is used to integrate different enterprise applications and miscellaneous internal and external users to collaborate in fulfilling the business objective of the organization. BPM supports work tasks of employees at different levels, described as follows:

  1. Workers use BPM to record and accomplish tasks, which are given to them individually or in a group.
  2. Managers use the system to analyze graphical reports summarizing the performance status of each employee/team/department.


The major objective, for which BPM is performed, is to align, optimize and adjust the existing business processes in a way that employees and customers can receive benefits (Koster, 2009). It leads the organization towards an increase in the number of sales indirectly and improving its financial state. Another objective of BPM is to enable the top senior management and executive(s) to make informed decisions and devise strategies considering the available resources of the company.

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Another important objective of BPM is to improve working processes of businesses by eliminating any inefficiencies or revenue leakages, which may affect smooth operations of a particular company (Espenson, 2015). This process also aims to secure businesses from any repercussions by regulatory bodies, which can result due to failing to comply with prescribed rules and regulations. Simultaneously, it does not only make businesses able to act within the regulatory framework, but also assures to enforce companies’ policies and procedures pertaining to employee’s safe working environment and the protection of business assets.

The Need for BPM

A BPM package allows enterprises to develop more with sophisticated quality, minimum leftovers, and fewer efforts (Seethamraju, 2012). It is particularly beneficial for startups and the companies confronted with constricted finances that need to increase productivity and profitability rapidly. Because of its advantages like proficiency, usefulness and deftness, there is an emerging need for BPM for all business entities facing difficulties in retaining their investments.

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Proficiency is a vital factor that every company often looks upon to improve its management. Therefore, it requires BPM. Ultimately, several developments are often accompanied with discarded materials because of numerous aspects that may include a labor-intensive effort, failure in interdepartmental communication, and the overall incompetency to commendably observe the general improvement. BPM sheds the light on procedures that support enterprises in identifying and eradicating mismanagement to achieve maximum profit. Once a strategy adopted by the organization becomes more efficient, BPM can be used to make it more successful. BPM has the capacity to handle exemptions quicker and more superior to make improved, more up-to-date decisions, and to implement policies necessary for providing a healthier client experience. When all processes are successively and proficiently running and are aligned with business approaches and intentions, enterprises become more profitable and competitive.

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Nowadays, the business world has become so developed that the company needs to have the ability to move quickly and easier than ever. As a matter of fact, those enterprises, policies of which are uncompromising to adopt change will be left behind in the coming future. Changes are required within organizations and outside them. Fresh prospects impose transformations for businesses to benefit from them. Often, changes are needed to be brought about based on the requirements of clients and consumers. Moreover, they can be imposed by the government and respective committees as well. BPM provides companies with an advantage of managing change requirements efficiently.

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