«Free Rice» - Free Essay Paper

Free Rice


People eat rice all around the globe. This product is not only delicious but also extremely wholesome. Moreover, its price does not differ much in various countries. Thus, rice is used by various charities that distribute it to poor individuals. “Free Rice” is one of such charities – it provides rice to the poor and gives people a unique chance to participate in doing it.

Question 3

“Free Rice” is a website that encourages its visitors to assist in fighting the world hunger in an entertaining and educational manner. The site proposes any user from any corner of the globe to play a game. However, “Free Rice” is not just a game, “With each correct answer, ten grains of rice are donated to WFP to feed hungry people around the world, paid for by sponsored banners on the site” (“Freerice.com, Online Game to Feed the Hungry Reaches One Million Players”). The website is rather user-friendly. A user can choose one of five languages – English, French, Italian, Spanish, or Korean. A visitor can choose a subject in which he or she is interested and start answering questions. If the answer is correct, the program will ask a user a more difficult question. If the answer is incorrect, the program will ask a user an easier question and, after some time, it will offer a user to answer the same question for him or her to remember the right answer. The subjects involve mathematics, English, humanities, chemistry, geography, sciences, test preparation, and language learning. Every subject contains several subtopics. When a user registers, he or she can track how many right answers he or she has given and, consequently, how many grains have been donated. The registered user can also track his or her friends’ statistics and join groups. In groups, people combine their efforts to donate more rice. Users can create their own groups as well. Overall, the site is interesting and easy to navigate; questions are rather challenging, which makes users wish to return to this site many times to entertain and be useful to the world at the same time. It is wonderful to have the possibility to make a change by playing a game.

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Question 4

Rice is a product of choice used to feed the hungry because of several reasons. Firstly, rice has a wholesome effect on a human organism. It can provide a person with much energy. It contains many carbohydrates, which makes it something like fuel for the human body. Carbohydrates also help the brain to function normally. The human body metabolizes carbohydrates and turns them into functional energy which it uses. Its special organic components, minerals, and vitamins are beneficial for the human body as they increase the metabolic activities and work of all organ systems, and this process makes a person feel more energetic. Rice does not contain much cholesterol, sodium, and harmful fats. Thus, this product makes a person’s diet more balanced. It provides an organism with a big number of nutrients and has no negative effects on people’s health. Relatively small quantities of this product can keep a person alive and healthy. Furthermore, people from any corner of the globe eat rice, so it will not be unusual to their diet. Considering that there is little sodium in this product, it is beneficial for people who suffer from hypertension or high blood pressure. Sodium is the reason why arteries and veins constrict. This process leads to the increase of stress on the cardiovascular system. By consuming less sodium, people can avoid heart attacks, strokes, and atherosclerosis. Scientists emphasize that rice can even prevent cancer as it contains much insoluble fiber. This insoluble fiber can prevent the development of cancerous cells. In particular, fiber can protect people against intestinal and colorectal cancer. Fiber is not the only reason why this product is so beneficial to the human organism. It also contains vitamin C, flavonoid as well as phenolic compounds, and vitamin A. Researchers consider these compounds to be natural antioxidants that make the human body remove free radicals. Free radicals appear as a result of cellular metabolism. They can have a negative impact on all organ systems in a human body and make healthy cells mutate and become cancerous. There are also other qualities of rice that can be useful to poor people. Rice water is used to cool off the skin in case it is inflamed and sooth redness or irritation. Rice has such properties because it contains the phenolic compounds. In underdeveloped countries, where the access to medication is very limited, especially in rural areas, such properties of rice can be of great importance to people. This product also contains a big number of minerals and vitamins that are essential to the normal functioning of the human body: riboflavin, iron, calcium, niacin, thiamine, fiber, and vitamin D (“Health Benefits of Rice”). Rice has magnificent digestive and diuretic properties. This product can prevent a person from having dysentery. Moreover, “Chinese people believe that rice considerably increases appetite, cures stomach ailments and reduces all digestive problems” (“Health Benefits of Rice”). These medical properties are also beneficial to people who are utterly destitute.

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Besides having a positive impact on a human organism, charities choose to distribute this particular product because it is relatively cheap and easy to transport. The price of one pound of rice is practically the same worldwide. For instance, it costs eighty-seven cents in Portland, two dollars and nine cents in Los Angeles, sixty-four cents in Kuwait, seventy-six cents in Brazil, one dollar in Taiwan, sixty-seven cents in Australia, ninety cents in Hong Kong, and two dollars and twenty-six cents in South Africa (“Food Price Comparisons Around the World” 12). If to consider other products to feed the poor, the price of one pound of ground beef, for instance, ranges from two dollars and seventy-nine cents in Portland to eleven dollars and fifty cents in Taiwan (“Food Price Comparisons Around the World” 2).

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