«Coordination Care Model» - Free Essay Paper

Coordination Care Model


Care coordination model defines the organization and implementation of the purposeful and complex treatment plan with the consideration of various involved parties, external factors, and risks. The coordination care model extends the responsibility over the treatment and recovery of patients and does not link this duty to exclusively healthcare workers and practitioners. On the contrary, it states that many aspects and components bear responsibility for the treatment of certain diagnoses. Thus, the adequate analysis and the suggestion of the care coordination model for the treatment of HTN, hyperlipidemia and obesity as well as the discussion of various components involved in this process are necessary.

Patient’s Diagnosis and Treatment Plan

The patient is diagnosed with hypertension. Hypertension is the health condition under which people experience increased blood pressure (Ricci et al., 2015). Notably, this disorder does not have many evident symptoms and often individuals are not aware of their health conditions until the medical examination and conduction of the corresponding tests. Commonly, this diagnosis includes such signs as frequent headaches and nose bleedings, dizziness, and faintness (Ricci et al., 2015). Hypertension is a chronical disease, and its slowdown is possible only through the introduction of the healthy habits (increase of physical exercising, healthy and balanced diet, refusal from smoking and alcohol, etc.) rather than medication.

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In addition, the patient is also diagnosed with hyperlipidemia. This term denotes the increase of cholesterol above the normal level in blood. Cholesterol is a natural substance which can be found in many food products (Ricci et al., 2015). However, in case there is too much cholesterol in blood, it tends to accumulate on the inner walls of the vessels, leading to their narrowing and restricting the possibilities for the proper blood streaming. Despite the fact that hyperlipidemia does not have any evident signs there are various suggested treatment options mostly based on the usage of medications.

Finally, the patient also suffers from obesity. Obesity is the health condition characterized by the body mass index (BMI) exceeding the standards and posing threat for the general welfare of individuals and leading to other serious health-related problems. The treatment of obesity requires a complex approach and control over the eating and exercising habits of patients. In many cases, the treatment of obesity starts with the identification of its reason which then becomes the subject of care and elimination.

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The combination of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and obesity is a frequent occasion, especially considering the existing interrelations between these three diagnoses. For example, obesity is one of the common reasons for hypertension and hyperlipidemia resulting from the inappropriate diet, metabolism disorders, and the disruption of exchange of nutrients (Ricci et al., 2015). On the other hand, the increase of cholesterol inherent in hyperlipidemia often provokes the incidence with obesity, since mainly fatty and heavy for digestion foods contain this substance (Ergul et al., 2016). Finally, the restriction of blood vessels due to the internal accumulation of cholesterol is the direct reason for the complication of the blood circulation and increase of the blood tension which lead to the chronical hypertension.

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The treatment plan for this patient should consist of three aspects. First, there is a need in changing his diet in order to reduce the income of cholesterol and fats contributing to hyperlipidemia and obesity (Ergul et al., 2016). Therefore, the patient should shift to the healthy eating plan, reduce the consumption of salt and cholesterol-rich products, avoid drinking alcohol, and quit the smoking habit. The second aspect, which is an essential part of treatment of the above-mentioned diagnoses, includes physical exercising (Ergul et al., 2016). Finally, the last aspect of the treatment plan involves medication. In this case, it is recommended to take 2d type of Calcium channel blockers like Norvasc® (amlodipine) and Cardizem® (diltiazem) which help to regulate the blood pressure and decrease hypertension (Kristensen et al., 2016). In order to reduce the level of cholesterol, common statins, such as Lipitor® (atorvastatin), Zocor® (simvastatin), or Crestor® (rosuvastatin) are prescribed (Huang et al., 2014). Although there are tons of food supplements reducing the desire to eat, there are no specific drugs for the treatment of obesity. The modifications in this treatment plan are possible, in case of allergies or individual unacceptance of certain substances or chemicals.

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Description of the Clinical Settings

It is a primary care clinic which includes 8 employees. It has one doctor, two nurse practitioners, and five medical assistants. The main objective of the clinic is to perform the initial diagnostics of patients and coordinate other specialists’ care needed to address the problems of patients. Therefore, the focus of the clinic is the conduction of the initial examination of health conditions of patients with the involvement of other specialists for the development and prescription of the relevant treatment plans.

Typical Diagnoses, Addressed in the Clinic

The regularly observed patients at the clinic are the individuals having problems with the blood pressure. They are diagnosed with the HTN or hypertension. Another common problem attended to in the clinic is the DM (Diabetes mellitus) type 2. Many patients also complain about the chronic pain of different origin and nature. Overall, the clinic deals with the health-related cases resulting from cardio-vascular or digestive disorders.

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Care Coordination Model

Care coordination is the purposeful and deliberate organization of patient’s treatment activities which does not limit this process to a specific person or environment, but suggests a complex approach to the treatment of the diagnosis. In the above-described case of the patient diagnosed with HTN, hyperlipidemia, and obesity, the care coordination model should include four interrelated and interdependent involved parties: a person, their family and community as well as the healthcare team. Below, the detailed description of all four aspects of the care coordination program is provided.

To start with, the care coordination model should consider the patient as an active subject of the treatment process and empower him to take an active role in the recovery process. With this purpose, care plan should include education of patient about his health conditions, risks, and solutions, information on the preventative, diagnostic, and treatment methods, as well as the increase of his awareness in different aspects of treatment and importance of their opportune fulfillment (Tsai et al., 2014). The primary source of information is the healthcare team of the clinic, though great role in this process also belongs to the local civil centers, media, and publicity. Therefore, empowering the patient and enabling him to take care of his health individually is one of the major aspects of the care coordination model.

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The second aspect is the role of the family or caregivers in the treatment process. Relatives of the patient should obtain the actual information on the treatment plan in order to take care of its on-time fulfilment, observation of changes, and report about any inconvenience or discomfort. The healthcare providers and nurses should educate family members as the preliminary observers and controllers of the health conditions of the patients in addition to teaching them how to notice risks and respond to them (Tsai et al., 2014). In general, family plays a crucial role in the care coordination model since it is responsible for the creation of the comfortable conditions for the treatment, elimination of stress factors, and maintenance of the healthy and favorable relations with the patient, contributing to their recovery.

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Thirdly, it is important to consider the role of community in the care coordination model for the described case. Community performs significant influences on the well-being and health of its residents through channels of media, policies, healthcare regulations, fashion, lifestyle habits, and promotion of values. The community should take care of the heath conditions of the citizens and take actions to maintain a high level of their social welfare and comfort (Tsai et al., 2014). This can be achieved through a system of educative events, trainings of employees, discussions at schools and other educational institutions, emphasizing on the healthy lifestyle. Moreover, the community should empower residents to undertake regular medical check-ups in order to detect early signs of the health problems and react to them adequately (Tsai et al., 2014). Finally, the community can help with providing the needed medication, access to the physical activity centers and gyms, and promotion of the heathy habits. Therefore, it is impossible to underestimate the effects of community in the treatment process of the depicted diagnoses.

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Finally, the last component of the suggested care coordination model is the healthcare personnel. Healthcare employees are responsible for the appropriate diagnostics and diagnosing of the patients with the consideration of their medical history, current lifestyle, and external threats. Based on the diagnosis, the healthcare workers introduce the relevant treatment plans composed for every patient on the basis of an individual approach (Tsai et al., 2014). The healthcare community is responsible for the appropriate diagnosing of patients and prescription of medication. Respectively, they should be competent and qualified enough to determine different diagnoses and suggest optimal treatment opportunities.

The Efficiency of the Suggested Model for Other Diagnoses

The suggested care coordination model applies preliminary to the treatment plan of HTN, hyperlipidemia and obesity, which are considered among the most widely spread and affective diagnoses of the modern world. The emphasis on those diagnoses is permanently made in media and policies, since obesity and hypertension have already become pandemics of the global scope (Gaglioti et al., 2017). As a result, the care coordination model for those diagnoses is oriented on the involvement of community centers and media as partners in fighting their threatening effects and consequences (Gaglioti et al., 2017). However, it does not mean that this care model can apply to other diagnoses, considering their specifics and nature.











Nevertheless, this care coordination model can apply to the treatment of DM type II, which is also among widely observed diagnoses in the described clinic. This diagnosis is also a massive threat for the modern communities since it affects millions of people annually. In analogy to hypertension and obesity, DM type II requires a complex approach and qualitative changes in the lifestyle and eating habits (Tsai et al., 2014). Similarly, the problem of its prevention, prophylactics, and actual treatment are also the duties of the patients themselves, families, and communities. Thus, it is possible to conclude that this care coordination model can be a suitable option for the treatment of DM type II as well.

Implementation of the Model in the Clinical Settings

The suggested model has all opportunities to be implemented in the described clinical environment and involves eight personnel members. The matter is that this model is based on the integrative approach to the treatment stating that numerous parties are responsible for the treatment of the set diagnosis. As a result, the clinic itself is only one of components, which can satisfy the need in the opportune and sufficient recovery. However, the model does not impose the exclusive responsibility on the clinic. Therefore, one can assume that the current capacities and facilities of the clinic are sufficient to implement the suggested care coordination model and deal with the described diagnosis of the patient.

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To sum up, the suggested coordination care model involves four main components responsible for the treatment of the diagnoses of HTN, hyperlipidemia, and obesity. They involve family, patient, community, and healthcare providers as the main subjects in the treatment plan. This model can be an efficient solution to address those diagnoses, considering their social character, origin, and specific ways of treatment. Since a large number of people are at risks of getting those diseases, it is of paramount importance to utilize the complex approach to their prevention, prophylactics, and actual treatment.

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