«“Fighting Poisons With Bacteria: Going Inside the Rice Microbiome”» - Free Essay Paper

“Fighting Poisons With Bacteria: Going Inside the Rice Microbiome”


In her well-documented article, “Fighting Poisons With Bacteria: Going Inside the Rice Microbiome”, Carina Storrs explores how scientists have been actively involved in finding a solution to curing plants using bio products. Storrs starts the article with an example of how Doctor Bais is trying to use bacteria to curb arsenic problem in rice. Rice in Asia, including the native India, is usually affected by arsenic. Bais tries to come up with a solution that will inhibit exposure to arsenic that comes from the rice as it causes chronic diseases such as cancer, genetic damage, heart disease and diabetes. Instead of suing the traditional way of fighting bacteria, Bais and other scientists have discovered a new method of using the microbe community living near the roots. He proposes to put the bacteria near the roots so that they can inhibit arsenic from getting into edible grain. After conducting experiments with different species of bacteria, Bias and colleagues have come up with effective type of bacteria for the objective. Several companies have adopted the innovated method of dealing with poison. Agricultural companies are using these bacteria to help increase yields and boost resilience. In fact, scientists have proved that bacteria are a solution to more than 30% of the fungal infection that destroys rice plants.

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Carina Storrs explains that the microbe manages to eliminate arsenic from the stem and leaves of the plant as well as soil. This way, grain is also free of arsenic that is harmful to the body. Inhibition occurs naturally. The microbe helps the roots remove oxygen that helps the iron in the soil to oxidize. As a result, the iron rusts, inhibiting arsenic from getting into the plant. However, the research is not complete since the researchers are yet to determine whether the bacteria will survive the competition with other microorganisms in the soil. Storrs concludes the article with the notion that biological products can be used in generic modification, breeding and inhibiting arsenic from rice. The advancement in technology will help predict the favorable conditions for microbes to survive in the soil. If used appropriately, microbes will help improve the generic possibility, water management and shorten the growth period. Therefore, scientists should combine their knowledge in microbes to come up with a long-lasting solution to plant poisoning.

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Carina Storrs’ thorough article, “Fighting Poisons With Bacteria: Going Inside the Rice Microbiome”, explores the use of bacteria to eliminate plant poisoning, increase production, boost resilience and improve generic possibilities. The author has done enough research that has enabled her achieve the set goals. The article starts with an example of how Doctor of University of Delaware is using bacteria in a greenhouse to try and inhibit arsenic from getting into the grain. The author explains the reader that arsenic is harmful since it causes different chronic disease. This way, the reader is aware of the need to eliminate arsenic.

Through research, the author of this article has come up with what different scientists are doing to eliminate plant poisoning and improve yields using biological products. In fact, she quotes different scientists who are doing the same though in different fields. The author also points out the scientists who have combined their efforts and what they have achieved. The article describes how microbes help reduce poison and improve plants. This makes the reader understand how the process happens. Therefore, the reader feels that the process is not a number of complex scientific functions but a simple natural occurrence. Storrs reveals that scientists have not known whether the microbes will survive in the soil considering the competition from other organisms. This shows the gap in knowledge that the author recognizes. She concludes the article with a remark that scientists can go far in learning how to effectively use microbes to improve plants if they combine efforts.

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